Free Download - WordPress Datafeed import plugin


How to Download WordPress DataFeed import Plugin

There is an updated version of the WordPress Datafeed Import Affiliate script available for free download.

The new version of the script introduces WordPress internal tag support for datafeed files. Basically, you can add a series of tags you wish to include with the products being imported.Please note, however, that this version of the WPDFI script cannot be used with WordPress versions below 2.5.x; if you’re still using an older version of WordPress, then you’ll need to upgrade in order to use the updated version of this script.

As always, please be sure to print and read the included ReadMe.pdf file because it contains, not only usage instructions, but helpful tips for preparing your datafeeds.
Also included in this release are two additional documentation files: A troubleshooting guide and the datafeed preparation guide. The troubleshooting guide covers the most common errors which crop up and solutions. It also includes links to two helpful tools for preparing and customizing datafeed files. The datafeed preparation guide is a walk through on preparing a Shareasale datafeed from start to finish using Microsoft Excel. Although it uses a specific merchant’s datafeed and Excel, the guide can still be beneficial even if you’re using different software and another merchant’s datafeed.

Download File:Affiliate Marketing Script -WordPress Data Feed Import
File Size:769 Kb
File Type:zip

How to download?

To download this file you will need to download and install UseNeXT client.
It's Free, 100% anonymous, 100% secure and very easy to use.

Click Here to download UseNeXT client

WordPress Data Feed import


How to stop Google to not index my site URL


Wana stop Google not to index you site pages , try this

If you want to stop google not to index your site in Search Engine , You may need this to refresh pages appearing in Google SERP or to get rid of old indexed pages .

Try this code in your index.html


Google Adsense code not working Parse it here


Have you experienced Google Adsense not working in Blogger, it sounds strange but reason why Google adsense doesn't work in Blogger because HTML code needs to be parsed into XML.

You can parse Google Adsense into XML from here, Just paste Google adsense code and click next to parse code into XML format.

Free WordPress,Drupal and Joomla templates


Here is a great website i find while searching for free Joomla template, i would like to share will readers here at digitalhat

Enjoy ! :-)

WordPress Affiliate store builder to care about ?


GoldenCan: GoldenCAN is a datafeed integration service. They get the datafeeds, parse them, remove the garbage, and give you some copy and paste code to add little shops to your blog for merchant products. It’s free, costs no money, and is paid for by taking every “4th” click generated from your site. There are, however, 75 or so merchants that have paid to make their feed completely free (and you get all the clicks). Great little service for being free - not enough (in my opinion) to build a fully featured affiliate store.

PopShops: I only got interested in PopShops because I found out they had a Blogger, Typepad, and Wordpress Widget. Their basic account is free, and the “Pro” version with SEO friendly URL’s is only $5 per month. With the widget, when you blog in Wordpress using the visual editor, you can popup a window that allows you to search for products, and the results that come back are from all the merchant’s datafeeds they have in their database (some 20 million products). I liked their service (and still use it), but the only cons for me were the fact that you can only look up and add one product at a time, and you had to be very careful that you were signed up for the merchant the product came from (or no commissions for you!).

WebMerge: WebMerge is downloadable software that you install on your computer to parse a merchant affiliate datafeed file and created static web pages from it. It’s $99 for a single user license. I’m sure it can do what it says, but I’ve been building web sites for 13 years and I found it hard to use, hard to setup, and the static pages I created were pretty piss poor, even after creating a “template”.

My Datafeed Scripts: This site sells scripts that parse ShareASale datafeeds (only). I’m sure they work fine, but I wouldn’t pay a hundred bucks for scripts that only work for ShareASale merchants.

Feedshare: Feedshare seems to have a great service, with the ability to build mini-shops as well. You can also setup products and shops using both JavaScript and PHP. The drawback seems to be they only have 45 merchants listed, and the only one who I even knew was This service appears to be free, so there’s your “pro”.

AffiliStore: When I found Affilistore I really thought I had the holy grail. This free downloadable script sets up an affiliate store that sucks up datafeed files and creates products, categories, and pages including seo titles and descriptions. The sample stores look great, but I found the script provided very mixed results depending on your datafeed format. In the end, it was too much work, categories weren’t working right, some links were breaking, and it was just taking completely too much time for what it was worth. It basically would have been a BANS like niche store, but with affiliate links from a datafeed. I’m glad this never worked out (for me), now that google is attacking “thin affiliate” sites anyway. You’re welcome to try it out, but be warned - “your mileage may vary…

This is from JTpratt blog.. very helpful info.

How to display Google search on your site


The Google AJAX Search API lets you embed Google Search in your personal web pages. A single AJAX Search API key is valid within a single directory on your web server, including any subdirectories. Signing up the URL, for example, will create a key usable within all URLs in the directory. See the API documentation for more information. You must have a Google Account to obtain a Google API key, and your API key is tied directly to your Google Account. You can generate multiple API keys for your account if you have multiple web sites.

Here are some highlights from the terms of use for those of you who aren't lawyers (but be sure to read the entire document):

* Your web site must be freely accessible to end users.
* Google will upgrade this API periodically, and you must update your site to use new versions of the API as they become available. The Google AJAX Search API team will post notifications of updates on the Google AJAX Search API Blog. If we make a change that isn't backwards-compatible, we will give you at least a reasonable amount of time to make the transition; during this period both versions of the API will be supported. Please transition your code as soon as possible to avoid interruptions in your service.

Sign-up for Google AJAX search API